
In times of unprecedented change, an unprecedented response is required from you to make sure your organisation continues to thrive. This is the time to educate both yourself and your people on how to thrive whilst going through change. The keynotes from Tonje Elisabeth Aaroe will help you do just that. She will help you reflect over where you and your organisation are right now and what you together need to do to develop your new normal.

The keynotes will help you reflect over how you can move swiftly and effectively to meet unexpected change as a team and an organisation; quickly adapt to the new challenges; adapt, rebuild and innovate to emerge successfully through these uncertain times. Both keynotes have been built for clients post Covid-19 with great ratings and both keynotes have practical solutions and best practise examples

How to lead change creating trust, engagement and results in the hybrid workplace

  • What does it take to build a sustainable thriving virtual work culture
  • Culture eats strategy for breakfast, looking at behaviour and change readiness
  • Employee engagement and a healthy organisation is a foundation for a thriving company culture
  • Takeaways and next steps for you as an organization
  • Q&A
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High performing innovative teams in uncertain times

  • The components of agile and innovative high performing teams, understanding the characteristics of – and what creates innovative high performing teams
  • Innovation happens in teams not enabled by a single talent. Innovative High Performing Teams are built on 5 pillars: how can you enable high performing teams in your organization
  • How stress affects innovation and how to build resilience
  • Takeaways and next steps for you as an organization
  • Q&A
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Employee Engagement

  • It has been proven through diverse global studies and research that employees who are engaged at work are more efficient and productive, thus helping to create a better top and bottom line.
  • Uncover how to engage employees to ensure innovation and exponential growth.
  • Workshop about how to improve your organizational culture, improve work satisfaction and employee engagement.
  • Did you know that companies with engaged employees have a 6% higher profit margin? When only 15% of all employees are engaged at work globally, how can we create a culture with good communication and thriving people? This is an engaging workshop!
  • In this workshop you will get insights in a practical approach to improving your work culture that you can start using right away!
  • Takeaways and next steps for you as an organization
  • Q&A
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From Workplace to Workspace; Leading Digital Transformation post pandemic

  • What do we do when we as an organization face change? When 70% of corporate change projects fail; what will you need to do to achieve a good change process and what are the pitfalls when your company is facing a major transformation?
  • How can we keep our competitive edge and how should the changes in customer behavior affect our corporate strategy?
  • Speaker Tonje Elisabeth Aaroe gives you proven methods of culture change management and the best practical examples from organizations that have gone through successful digital transformation these last months.
  • You gain knowledge of how change affects us all and how you can navigate yourself, people and your company successfully through change.
  • You also get the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences with the other participants, this is a keynote / workshop that gets great feedback.
  • Takeaways and next steps for you as an organization
  • Q&A
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Tonje Elisabeth Aaroe

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